Now we all know that Joe Jackson made absurd remarks at the BET Awards, such as advertising Ranch Records – his new project. Remember that these awards took place days after the so called death of Michael Jackson, and Joe Jackson really seemed unmoved. It has been reported that 30 minutes prior to launch of the ceremonies, Joe Jackson arrived without tickets and threw everyone into a frenzy as seating had to be adjusted.  

Thats the backdrop of what happened, but in the picture below, something caught my eye.

Lets Zoom in: 

Michael Jackson Double at BET Awards

Michael Jackson Double at BET Awards

Can you believe that? I find this to be shocking.  

Lets look at another picture from the BET Awards. 

Micheal Jackson Double At BET Awards -

Micheal Jackson Double At BET Awards -

I certainly don’t believe that this individual IS Michael Jackson, although he certainly does appear to be Michael Jackson’s double.  I have no idea whether this individual was brought in to be part of Joe Jackson’s entourage, or was strategically seated right behind Joe by the organizers of the event, or by other individuals who are perhaps enjoying fooling the public, yet again.  Also, why is he wearing a baseball cap? That is certainly not in-style right now.  

Anyhow, If you look at the second image above, you will note that this individual has curly permed hair.  Michael Jackson used to have the identical hair style in the 90’s, and has had straight hair for the last few years. However, rehearsal footage from the ‘This is It’ concerts showed that Michael Jackson had curly hair on stage, while in other images, he had straight hair.


Michael Jackson had permed curly hair in Last Rehearsal Photo

Michael Jackson had permed curly hair in Last Rehearsal Photo

Michael Jackson Last Rehearsal Photo - Straight hair

Michael Jackson Last Rehearsal Photo - Straight hair

The picture below was taken on May 29, 2009. It was reported that Michael had gone back to having his permed curly hair style.  

Michael Jackson Curly Hair - Picture taken on May 29, 2009

Michael Jackson Curly Hair - Picture taken on May 29, 2009

It certainly does seem plausible to me that the individual seated behind Joe Jackson may have been involved in this entire ploy.  It definitely seems to be too innocent to be ‘just a coincidence’.